Our farm animals
We specialize in dairy farming. But except from cows, on our farm there live horses, chickens and our family dog Molly.
We specialize in dairy farming. But except from cows, on our farm there live horses, chickens and our family dog Molly.
The majority of our dairy cows are of the Holstein breed. We also keep Simmental cattle.
To ensure that our cows produce the best milk, we feed them a healthy, balanced diet and provide them with ideal conditions in the barn. We keep them in a freestall so that they can move outside at any time.
On pleasantly warm fall days, our cows enjoy the pastures around the farm.
The calves are doing particularly well on the farm, most of which we raise into young dairy cows. The older calves spend the summer months on the extensive pastures on the Schlern Mountain before returning to the farm in the fall.
Haflinger mare Galante is the diva of the farm: With her typical blonde mane and shiny coat, she enjoys the most attention. Those who are lucky may also see Galante as mother – in spring when her foals are born.
Galante and grandpa Paul often participate in numerours parades, captivating the audiance with their presence.
Whirlwind Molly keeps busy “her” people on the farm. She loves playing and joining the most exciting adventures. Over the time she has become an indispensable member of our family.
Our grandma Luise keeps more than 20 chickens – and they are her pride and joy.
During the day, they forage for insects in their spacious run or enjoy salad leaves or vegetables from Grandma’s garden.
In the evening, they return to their chicken mobile, where they spend the night safely.
The best thing about our chickens: they guarantee fresh eggs every day!